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For each country and year of observation, calculate the probability that cohorts born in each year from 1918 through the year of observation imprinted to a specific influenza A virus subtype (H1N1, H2N2, or H3N2), or group (group 1 contains H1N1 and H2N2; group 2 contains H3N2).


  annual_frequencies = NULL,
  df_format = "long"



year(s) of observation in which to output imprinting probabilities. The observation year, together with the birth year, determines the birth cohort's age when calculating imprinting probabilities. Cohorts <=12 years old at the time of observation have some probability of being naive to influenza.


a vector of countries for which to calculate imprinting probabilities. Run show_available_countries() for a list of valid inputs, and proper spellings.


an optional input allowing users to specify custom circulation frequencies for arbitrary types of imprinting in order to study, e.g. imprinting to specific strains, clades, or imprinting by vaccination. If nothing is input, the default is to calculate subtype-specific probabilities (possible imprinting types are A/H1N1, A/H2N2, A/H3N2, or naive). See Details.


must be either 'long' (default) or 'wide'. Controls whether the output data frame is in long format (with a single column for calculated probabilities and a second column for imprinting subtype), or wide format (with four columns, H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, and naive) showing the probability of each imprinting status.


  • If format=long (the default), a long tibble with columns showing the imprinting subtype (H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, or naive), the year of observation, the country, the birth year, and the imprinting probability.

  • If format=wide, a wide tibble with each row representing a country, observation year, and birth year, and with a column for each influenza A subtype (H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2), or the probability that someone born in that year remains naive to influenza and has not yet imprinted. For cohorts >12 years old in the year of observation, the probability of remaining naive is 0, and the subtype-specific probabilities are normalized to sum to 1. For cohorts <=12 years old in the year of observation, the probability of remaining naive is non-zero. For cohorts not yet born at the time of observation, all output probabilities are 0.


Imprinting probabilities are calculated following doi:10.1126/science.aag1322 Gostic et al. Science, (2016). Briefly, the model first calculates the probability that an individual's first influenza infection occurs 0, 1, 2, ... 12 years after birth using a modified geometric waiting time model. The annual circulation intensities output by get_country_intensity_data() scale the probability of primary infection in each calendar year.

Then, after calculating the probability of imprinting 0, 1, 2, ... calendar years after birth, the model uses data on which subtypes circulated in each calendar year (from get_country_cocirculation_data()) to estimate that probability that a first infection was caused by each subtype. See get_country_cocirculation_data() for details about the underlying data sources.

To calculate other kinds of imprinting probabilities (e.g. for specific clades, strains, or to include pediatric vaccination), users can specify custom circulation frequencies as a list, annual_frequencies. This list must contain one named element for each country in the countries input vector. Each list element must be a data frame or tibble whose first column is named "year" and contains numeric years from 1918:max(observation_years). Columns 2:N of the data frame must contain circulation frequencies that sum to 1 across each row, and each column must have a unique name indicating the exposure kind. E.g. column names could be "year", "H1N1", "H2N2", "H3N2", "vaccinated" to include probabilities of imprinting by vaccine, or "year", "3C.3A", "not_3C.3A" to calculate clade-specific probabilities. Do not include a naive column. Any number of imprinting types is allowed, but the code is not optimized to run efficiently when the number of categories is very large. Frequencies within the column must be supplied by the user. See Vieira et al. 2021 for methods to estimate circulation frequencies from sequence databases like GISAID or the NCBI Sequence Database.

See vignette("custom-imprinting-types") for use of a custom annual_frequencies input.


# ===========================================================
# Get imprinting probabilities for one country and year
get_imprinting_probabilities(2022, "United States")
#> # A tibble: 420 × 5
#>     year country       birth_year subtype imprinting_prob
#>    <dbl> <chr>              <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>
#>  1  2022 United States       2022 A/H1N1        0.0000297
#>  2  2022 United States       2021 A/H1N1        0.0000679
#>  3  2022 United States       2020 A/H1N1        0.0702   
#>  4  2022 United States       2019 A/H1N1        0.152    
#>  5  2022 United States       2018 A/H1N1        0.171    
#>  6  2022 United States       2017 A/H1N1        0.147    
#>  7  2022 United States       2016 A/H1N1        0.225    
#>  8  2022 United States       2015 A/H1N1        0.169    
#>  9  2022 United States       2014 A/H1N1        0.308    
#> 10  2022 United States       2013 A/H1N1        0.321    
#> # … with 410 more rows
# ===========================================================
# Return the same outputs in wide format
  "United States",
  df_format = "wide"
#> # A tibble: 105 × 7
#>     year country       birth_year `A/H1N1` `A/H2N2` `A/H3N2` naive
#>    <dbl> <chr>              <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  2022 United States       1918        1        0        0     0
#>  2  2022 United States       1919        1        0        0     0
#>  3  2022 United States       1920        1        0        0     0
#>  4  2022 United States       1921        1        0        0     0
#>  5  2022 United States       1922        1        0        0     0
#>  6  2022 United States       1923        1        0        0     0
#>  7  2022 United States       1924        1        0        0     0
#>  8  2022 United States       1925        1        0        0     0
#>  9  2022 United States       1926        1        0        0     0
#> 10  2022 United States       1927        1        0        0     0
#> # … with 95 more rows